Integrative and Traditional Astrology

planetary dominant

In traditional technique, establishing the prominent temperament in an individual served two major purposes. Firstly, it gave an understanding of the person’s demeanour, …Secondly, it gave the Astrologer a basis from which he could understand what imbalances were prevalent in his patient’s body and prescribe accordingly (Scott Whitters).

Our research work on somatic constitutions and temperaments has led us from enneagram to astrology. In this route the crucial step was the placement of the Bach Flowers (36) in the 36 decans. It really was the sesame that allowed to revisit the traditional astrological model from the bottom up.
Enneagram, we had already revisited it and this led to the Systemic Typology Model. The application of this model to homeopathy has allowed a considerable advancement in the diagnosis of homeopathic therapeutics.
However, the decoding of the constitution is a difficult art to practice and to teach, that is why the contribution of astrology may well be fundamental. What for?
Because the statistics we are driving allow us to have a very high probability of making a connection between the type of enneagram and the planetary dominant. We have established a rather complex algorithm to determine the planetary dominant, and the established linkages have been as follows:

• Type 1 : Mars
• Type 2 : Neptune
• Type 3 : Mercure
• Type 4 : Proserpine (Haumea)
• Type 5 : Venus
• Type 6 : Bacchus (Makemake)
• Type 7 : Jupiter
• Type 8 : Pluto
• Type 9 : Saturne et Uranus.


For now we are working on the establishment of statistical correlations. Thereafter, it will be possible from the natal theme to obtain a quotation by planet allowing to orient quickly with the help of software that we develop towards the diagnosis of the dominant types. Of course this will never be 100%, but that no method allows. On the other hand, by coupling our already well-established method of psycho-energy decoding and the planetary dominant, this will allow a great ease and reliability.