Integrative and Traditional Astrology

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The astrological texts written in the Mediterranean region (Thrasyllus and Manilius) between the 1st century BCE and the 7th century, refer fluently to a scheme associating each of the seven classical planets with one of the Twelve Astrological “houses”. The house with which each planet was associated was called the place of joy of the planet. In the new 12-planet system integrating  Proserpine and Bacchus, our research work has made it possible to determine the houses in which the slow planets are in joy.

Uranus is in joy in X, Neptune in VIII, Pluto in IV, Proserpine in II and Bacchus in VII. It is interesting to note that the meaning of the house is very close to that of the planet. To just take a few examples Venus/House 5 search for pleasures, Mars/house 6 inner fights, Proserpine/house 2 inner prosperity, Neptune/house 8 transcendence of matter, …

You can see that the planets under the horizon are those called nocturnal, and above the horizon diurnal. Those with a B, are those called beneficial, those with a M malefic, in Hellenistic astrology. Thus a planet can be diurnal/beneficial or diurnal/malefic, nocturnal/beneficial or nocturnal/malefic. So for example, Sun is benefic and diurnal, Pluto is benefic and nocturnal.

This classification is very important to determine the benefic and malefic significant in a natal theme. Indeed if the individual theme is diurnal (birth at day) or nocturnal (birth at night) the benefics and the malefics will have a different action.

Another interesting point the malefics are in the sectors that are in aversion to the Ascendant (in dark on the picture : 2, 12, 8, 6).

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